About the Patient Protection Commission (PPC)

Solicitation of Nevada Medicaid Recommendations

The PPC is requesting health care provider recommendations on how to improve the provider experience with billing and increasing utilization with Nevada Medicaid. As directed by the Governor's Executive Order 2024-002, the Nevada PPC has been charged with identifying sustainable funding strategies for strengthening Nevada's health care workforce and recommending strategies for increasing provider reimbursement. Insurance reimbursement rates, including Medicaid reimbursement rates, incentivize health care professionals to practice in Nevada, thereby improving the quality of patient care and access to comprehensive health care services across the state.  Currently, Nevada Medicaid provides health coverage to 1 in every 4 Nevadans and is a primary focus of the PPC as they consider how to address the workforce shortages of the State. Providers are encouraged to provide recommendations by using the provided online fillable form or via email to ppcinfo@dhhs.nv.gov.

Solicitation of Health Care Workforce Recommendations

The Nevada Patient Protection Commission (PPC) invites all interested parties to provide recommendations on how to address the health care workforce shortages in Nevada. Recommendations must be submitted in writing for possible consideration during a work session. Submission of a recommendation to the Commission does not guarantee its consideration during a work session. Please submit your recommendations by using the online form linked here or via email to ppcinfo@dhhs.nv.gov. Please do not hesitate to contact Commission staff at the same email address with any questions.

History and Authority

The Nevada Patient Protection Commission (PPC) is comprised of 12 voting members appointed by the Governor who are health care experts, advocates, providers, and industry professionals dedicated to improving health care in Nevada.

In 2019, the Nevada Legislature approved Senate Bill 544 which created the Patient Protection Commission to systematically review issues related to the health care needs of Nevada residents and the accessibility, affordability, and quality of health care.

In 2021, Assembly Bill 348 moved the PPC from the Governor’s Office to the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in order to better support patients and connect the Commission more closely with the data and resources of DHHS.

The statutory authority and responsibilities of the PPC can be found in Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) 439.902-918.

Nevada Laws Proposed by the Commission

The Nevada Legislature meets every other year (biennially) for a 120-day session to adopt a two-year budget and to enact new laws or revise existing laws. Bill Draft Requests (BDR) are submitted to the Legislative Counsel Bureau proposing additions, deletions, and/or changes to Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS).

Pursuant to NRS 218D.213, the PPC may request the drafting of not more than 3 BDRs which relate to matters within the scope of the Commission. 

Laws proposed by the PPC and approved by the Nevada Legislature:

82nd Legislative Session (2023):

81st Legislative Session (2021)

  • Senate Bill 5 makes changes relating to telehealth. As a result, the Department of Health and Human Services is required to maintain a data dashboard summarizing telehealth claims in Nevada which can be found here
  • Senate Bill 40 provides for the collection of certain data relating to health care. 

Laws proposed by the PPC but failed to pass: 

82nd Legislative Session (2023)

PPC Reports

In accordance with NRS 439.918, the Patient Protection Commission completes a semi-annual report on meetings and activities of the Commission.

PPC Health Equity Plan

As a commitment to health equity, the Patient Protection Commission has published the PPC Health Equity Plan, linked below. This Plan may be updated at any time at the direction of the Commission.